Телебашня коктобе текст 10 предложений с использованием: there is/isn’t, there are/aren’t. Использовать эти прилагательные!! Помогите пожалуйста даю 40 баллов


gulbahorirgaseva9: 10 предл. There is/isn't? И 10 предл Thre are/aren't?
zhussupaeva84: В общем 10 предложений с использование There is/isn't и Thre are/aren't
gulbahorirgaseva9: Тогда я сделаю 3 предл there is 2 предл there isn't и также с there are/there aren't
zhussupaeva84: Да, ☺️ спасибо
gulbahorirgaseva9: Не за чтт
gulbahorirgaseva9: Что*


Ответ дал: gulbahorirgaseva9


There is/isn't:

1) There is Koktobe TV Tower.

2) There is so fantastic.

3) There is so incredible.

4) There isn't luxury and enormous.

5) There isn't tiny and fast.

There are/aren't:

1) There are Koktobe TV Towers.

2) There are so fantastic.

3) There are so incredible.

4) There aren't luxury and enormous.

5) There aren't tiny and fast.


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