1. This problem.... by your brother
a) was solved
c) is solved
2. My father wrote this
my father
a) will be wrote b) was write
c) was written
d) is written
3. This clock...... in 1750
a) is made
c) is making
b) will be solved
d) solves
book. It ..... by
4. Bronson scored a goal. Yes, a goal ....
by Bronson
a) is scored
c) will be scored
a) be doing
c) have done
8. Was the window
a) broke
c) broke for
b) was made
d) will be made
5. This job... by my friend next week
a) is done
b) did
c) will be done
d) was done
6. This house was.... my grandfather
a) build for
b) build by
c) built for
d) built by
a) made by
c) make by
b) scored
d) was scored
7. This exercise will...... at home by me
b) do
d) be done
pane.... the children?
b) broken by
d) broken for
9. All the beds were .... my grandmother
b) made for
d) make for
10.Many writters were .... Shakespeare
a) influence by b) influenced by
d) influenced for
c) influence for
11.The money ..... stolen by the thieves if
you leave it there
a) was
c) has been
b) will be
d) is
12. Mr Johnson...... this book
a) is translated
c) translated
b) translated by
d) was translated
13. This policeman ...... that man
a) was arrested by b) arrested for
c) arrested d) will be arrested
14. We will ......... by that teacher
a) be teached
c) be taught
b) have taught
d) been taught
15.Many things..... in this house
a) is said
b) are said
c) they say
d) they are said
16. This mansion...... in 1750
a) is built
c) will be built
b) was built
d) builded
17.They will ....... this car soon
a) be bought
c) buy
b) buying
d) is bought
18.This car will........ soon
a) be bought
c) buy
b) be buying
d) is bought
19. The jar ...... by the maid
a) was broken
c) is broken
b) broke
d) breaks
20. The centre forward..... a goal
a) was scored
c) is scored
b) scores
d) has scored


Ответ дал: MarkLys

Ответ:1. A was solved

2. C was written

3. B was made

4. D was scored

5. C will be done

6. C built by

7. D be done

8. B broken by

9. A made by

10. B influenced by


Ответ дал: kobulhonovaasilahon


1 a


3 a

4 a

5 c

6 d

7 d

8 нету там 8

9 b

10 b


12 a

13 a

14 c

15 d

16 b

17 a



20 a


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