3. What__between 9 and 12 yesterday morning?- I__the house the whole morning. (YOU DO, CLEAN)

4. __all moming?-I__the doorbell for over 20 minutes. (YOU SLEEP, RING)

5. After he__the letter, he__it.(READ, BURN)

6. How long__Henry? (YOU KNOW)

7. You look pretty worried.-What__?(HAPPEN)

8. When we arrived at the stadium, the game__ (ALREADY, START)

9. When__?-It__ at 9.15 from waterloo. (YOUR TRAIN LEAVE, LEAVE)

10. We wanted to stay longer, but we__any money left.(NOT HAVE)

11. The Howards__and__TV when suddenly the masked

13 up smoking?-Yes, I__ it once a few years ago, but I__ on so much weight that I__again. (YOU EVER GIVE, TRY, PUT, START)

14. __the good news? Ann and Peter__married next summer. (YOU HEAR, GET)

15. After he__the documentary about Wales, he to go there. (SEE,WANT)

16 We__into our new house next Tuesday. (MOVE)

17 I expect that everyone I invited__there (BE)

18 Henry__ in London right now. He__ architecture at a famous university. (LIVE, STUDY)

20 I__for my club for the past 15 years. I__ my first championship game back in 2009. (PLAY, WIN)

Помогите пожалуйста


Ответ дал: maryna555


3. What did you do between 9 and 12 yesterday morning? - I cleaned the house the whole morning.

4. Were you sleeping all morning? - No, I was ringing the doorbell for over 20 minutes.

5. After he read the letter, he burned it.

6. How long have you known Henry?

7. You look pretty worried. What happened?

8. When we arrived at the stadium, the game had already started.

9. When does your train leave? - It leaves at 9.15 from Waterloo.

10. We wanted to stay longer, but we didn't have any money left.

11. The Howards were watching TV when suddenly the masked man broke into their house.

13. Have you ever given up smoking? - Yes, I tried it once a few years ago, but I put on so much weight that I started again.

14. Did you hear the good news? Ann and Peter are getting married next summer.

15. After he saw the documentary about Wales, he wanted to go there.

16. We are moving into our new house next Tuesday.

17. I expect that everyone I invited will be there.

18. Henry lives in London right now. He is studying architecture at a famous university.

20. I have played for my club for the past 15 years. I won my first championship game back in 2009.

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