t 4 ★★ 09 Listen again. Complete the sentences with the correct words. born Ruth was.
1) As a child, Ruth didn't go to........
2)Ruth's........... taught her maths.
3) Ruth could do more .........than other children at an early age. 4 Ruth was the entrance exam to Oxford University. 5 Ruth was the.......... student to get a degree from Oxford University in modern times. 6 She became a professor at an university when she was 22. .........maths work student in the​


Ответ дал: olegserduk2020


1 As a child, Ruth didn't go to school.

2 Ruth's father taught her maths.

3 Ruth could do more maths than other children at an early age.

4 Ruth passed the entrance exam to Oxford University.

5 Ruth was the first student to get a degree from Oxford University in modern times.

6 She became a professor at an university when she was 22. Maths was her work.


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