Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.

1. I think you've_____a spelling mistake.

2. In 1996, Greg opened his own shop but he didn't______much money, so he closed it down.

3. Can eating these leaves______you any harm?

4. Have you______any plans for the weekend?

5. Where's your phone? I need to_______ a phone call.

6. Drinking soft drinks all day won't_______you any good, you know.

7. My DVD player broke down, but I think I can______ without it for a while.

8. Who usually______the decisions in your family?

9. Please,______sure that you get a receipt from that shop.


Ответ дал: gottdeaq


I think you've made a spelling mistake.

In 1996, Greg opened his own shop but he didn't make much money, so he closed it down.

Can eating these leaves do you any harm?

Have you made any plans for the weekend?

Where's your phone? I need to make a phone call.

Drinking soft drinks all day won't do you any good, you know.

My DVD player broke down, but I think I can do without it for a while.

Who usually makes the decisions in your family?

Please, make sure that you get a receipt from that shop.

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