Convert sentences with modal verbs into the past tense, starting with the given words. Use could, had to, was to, was allowed to: Bob can’t dive. (Боб не вміє пірнати.) – Last year Bob couldn’t dive. (Минулого року Боб не вмів пірнати.)
1. You must show your identity card here. (Ты должен показать удостоверение личности здесь.) – Last night …
2. We can’t buy a new car. (Ми не можемо купити нове авто.) – Last summer …
3. Mike may take my laptop computer for a couple of hours. (Майк може взяти мій лептоп на кілька годин.) – This morning …
4. Victor has to call his mother. (Віктору потріібно затедефонувати своїй мамі.) – Yesterday …
5. You don’t need to paper the walls. (Ва не потрібно обкдеювати стіни шпалерами.) – Yesterday …
6. She is to be at the office at 9 a.m. (Їй потрібно бути в офісі о 9.00.) – Last Friday …
7. You must not tell lies. (Ти не повинен брехати.) – Last night …


Ответ дал: vladss3113



You had to show your identity card here. (Last night...)

Last summer, we couldn't buy a new car.

This morning, Mike could not take my laptop computer.

Yesterday, Victor had to call his mother.

Yesterday, you didn't need to paper the walls.

Last Friday, she was to be at the office at 9 a.m.

Last night, you were not allowed to tell lies.

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