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Ответ дал: superzimbi


Task 2.

0 When Mum broke her ankle she couldn't drive to the station, so Dad took her.

1 I waited for 40 minutes by myself.

2 Please help yourself!

3 Alexa didn't have any brothers or sisters, so she was used to being herself.

4 The children are too young to go out by themselves.

5 Ben always covers himself when he goes out in the sun.

6 I really hope we enjoy ourselves.

Task 3.

Lara: Hi Rosa. What are you doing standing there (0) by yourself?

Rosa: I can't get into my house. I just came out for a minute and the door closed (1) by itself.

Lara: Oh, have you knocked on the door? There's nobody in at the moment. I was (2) by myself.

Rosa: Well, come in and wait in our house. We can have a chat and a sandwich and enjoy (3) ourselves. Oh, sorry. I've just remembered. Callum and Ed made (4) themselves lots of sandwiches earlier, so there isn't any bread left.

Lara: Really? They made sandwiches (5) themselves? They usually ask your mum or dad to do it for them!

Rosa: I know. By the way, if you want to ring your mum, there's the phone.

Lara: Oh, can I? Thanks. No problem. Help (6) yourself.

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