100 баллов 2 лёгких задания​



Ответ дал: akmaral8292


The dress doesn`t fit me because it is big for me.

It`s late. This bus is slow.

I can`t understand your friend. He talks fast.

My cousin never buys in that shop because it`s expensive.

They had an accident because she was driving quickly.

I need an air condicioner. It`s hot in here!

It`s dangerous to drive your motorbike without a helmet.

This exercise is difficult for me!

I can`t talk to you now. I`m busy.

Come on! I can go with you your house isn`t far from here.

We can`t go to the swimming pool. It isn`t warm.

Don`t eat the soup! It`s hot.

Hurry up! It`s late


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