Collect information
about a statue or monument in your
country. Write a short text about it or
prepare a presentation. Use the passive
Present it to the class.
Workbook: 8b & Use of English 8


Ответ дал: polina24072


The center of the composition is a vertical plastic stele, reminiscent of the relief Mangyshlak kulpytas, and has a height of 28 meters. It ends with the "Golden Man" (6 meters high) - the ruler who controls the winged leopard standing up and symbolizes the firm state power on the Kazakh land.


glxehdepys: йй
glxehdepys: не
glxehdepys: гр
glxehdepys: аа
averkinroman7: ура
azievabalzhan: что
azievabalzhan: это правильно
azievabalzhan: бл
abduka349: и он ах ок уж за уж бр во да
azievabalzhan: чо
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