Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Simple present. Taras's grandma (live) in Kyiv. She (be) more than sixty years old. She (see) all the changes in the city. Some of her school friends (move) to other towns or they (live) in other countries. Two of her friends (be) in America. The street (change) too. They (take) away the old buildings and (put) new houses there. A little café near the station (change) too. It is now a burger bar. There (be) no shops in the old centre only the old market. The old hospital (disappear), too. A lot of people (forget) about it. There is a really nice new hospital near the river now. They (close) the little church school and the youth club (use) it now. "Times (change)," says Grandma. "And sometimes things are really better".​


Ответ дал: masharipovagulnoza19


1. lives


3. sees

4. move

5. live

6. are

7. changes

8. take

9. put

10. changes


12. dissappears

13. forget

14. close

15. uses

16. change

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