Complete the questions. Ask your classmate to answer them. 

Example: When did Mrs Wilson get up? 

... did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early? 
... did the grandfather buy? 
... did the grandmother make a cake? 
... was six years old? 
... people came to see the grandma and the grandpa?
When?                ЭТО ВОПРОСЫ
How many?


Ответ дал: aliakhovskii
When did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early?
What did the grandfather buy?
Why did the grandmother make a cake?
Who was six years old?
How many people came to see the grandma and the grandpa?

Когда Мистер и миссис Уилсон встали рано?
Что купил дедушка?
Почему бабушка испекла торт?
Кому исполнилось шесть лет?
Сколько людей пришли увидеть на бабушку и дедушку?
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