82. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect. I came home after I had finished (finish) the shopping. 1 (return) home before the storm broke out. (miss) 2 I 3 The boys arrived home late after they the school bus. 4 Everyone was hot as they 5 We didn't play for long as I am mother to be home early. 6 After Sarah with her friends at a cafe. (put on) thick coats. (promise) my (do) the shopping, she had coffee Ligo the Past Perfect.​


Ответ дал: ctaherskaveronika


1. I had returned home before the storm broke out.

2. I had missed the school bus.

3. The boys had arrived home late after they had missed the school bus.

4. Everyone was hot as they had been playing in the sun.

5. We didn't play for long as I had to be home early.

6. After Sarah had coffee with her friends at a cafe, they put on thick coats. I had promised my mother to do the shopping.

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