Complete the sentences with a word from each box. carry chill get (x2) meet put on (x2) out rid of up up with What time do you get up in the morning? 1 You should all these old papers. Throw them out! 21 study hard all week, so I like to at the weekend. 3 I'm going to 41 have to 5 Simon wants to my friends in town tomorrow. my uniform every morning for school. studying after he leaves school.​



Ответ дал: Temoha1234


1. You should get rid of all these old papers. Throw them out!

2. I study hard all week, so I like to chill at the weekend.

3. I'm going to meet my friends in town tomorrow.

4. I have to put on my uniform every morning for school.

5. Simon wants to carry on studying after he leaves school.

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