Example: When you heat ice, it melts. 1. When you heat ice. 2. If you don't eat, 3. If it doesn't rain, 4. If you drop ice in water, 5. If a bee bites a person, 6. If people eat a lot. 7. If you stay in the sun very long. 8. If a baby is hungry, 9. If I have free time, 10. If you pat a cat, a) it floats b) I go traveling c) it melts d) it cries e) you get hungry. f) it dies. g) h) the plants die. i) they get fat j) it purrs you become sunburned​



Ответ дал: valeriarizun689


2. e

3. h

4. a

5. f

6. i

7. g

8. d

9. b

10. j

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