помогите пожалуйста срочно!
102 Choose the correct item. 1. This is my pencil. A) These are B) They are C) This is 2. Mr Smith**** A) is walking B) walk 3. Look! John A) is riding 4. B) riding B) Are to work. A) Is 5. This isn't your book. It's A) mine B) my C) are walking you a dancer? his bicycle. C) rides C) Am C) him 62 6. A) We 7. They A) is living 8. He A) eat 9. Sam A) can't mother is a teacher. B) Our C) She B) lives in a big house. C) live his breakfast now. B) is eating C) eats B) isn't 10. Be quiet! Father A) sleep drive a car. B) sleeps C) hasn't got C) is sleeping​



Ответ дал: rodinyaromyr


This is my pencil. C) This is

Mr Smith A) is walking

Look! John A) is riding

B) is riding to work.

This isn't your book. It's A) mine

A) We are walking.

They B) live in a big house.

He C) eats his breakfast now.

Sam B) can't drive a car.

Be quiet! Father C) is sleeping

gavrilovasofia542: спасибо это правильно?дякую! це правильно?
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