Складіть 6 речень по темі "Travelling", використовуючи Present Continuous for Future arrangements​


Ответ дал: lolgolovka56


I am packing my bags because I am flying to Paris tomorrow morning.

We are booking our hotel because we are going to spend a week in Hawaii next month.

They are buying tickets for the concert because they are going to see their favorite band next weekend.

He is learning some basic French phrases because he is travelling to Quebec for a business meeting next week.

She is researching tourist attractions because she is visiting Rome for the first time next summer.

We are planning a road trip because we are exploring the West Coast next year.


matvkanave22: спасибо огромное!
Ответ дал: tarasukdasa03


I recently moved to America. I really liked it there. I flew by plane. I saw a lot of transport. Name I also flew by plane. I really enjoyed the trip. тут 6 речень

matvkanave22: а можна переклад?
tarasukdasa03: Я недавно переїхав до Америки. Мені там дуже сподобалося. Я літав літаком. Бачив багато транспорту. Ім'я Я теж літав літаком. Мені дуже сподобалася поїздка. тут 6 слово
tarasukdasa03: там де ім'я там потім я теж літав літаком
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