Help me !!!
Join the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. This car costs a lot of money. We can't afford it. (so much... that)

2. The witness was unreliable. The police didn't believe him. (so... that)

3. A lot of burglaries had been committed in the area recently. The residents felt unsafe. (so many... that)

4. He ignored the judge's warning. He was sent to jail. (consequently)

5. They put out the fire immediately. They stopped it from spreading to other floors. (as a result)

6. There weren't enough people interested in the tour. It was cancelled. (so few... that)


Ответ дал: goomyyy


This car costs so much money that we can’t afford it.

The witness was so unreliable that the police didn’t believe him.

There were so many burglaries committed in the area recently that the residents felt unsafe.

He ignored the judge’s warning; consequently, he was sent to jail.

They put out the fire immediately; as a result, they stopped it from spreading to other floors.

There were so few people interested in the tour that it was cancelled.

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