5 Rewrite the following as mixed
conditional sentences.
1 Sultan didn't study, so he won't pass his
science test.
2 Korkem arrived on time, so she will have
enough time to visit the planetarium.
3 He isn't well-qualified, so he didn't get the job
at the space centre.
4 They didn't buy cinema tickets, so they can't
see the new science-fiction film tonight.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


Перепишите следующие предложения как смешанные условные предложения.
1 Sultan didn't study, so he won't pass his science test.
If Sultan had studied, he would pass his science test.
2 Korkem arrived on time, so she will have enough time to visit the planetarium.
If Korkem hadn't arrived on time, she wouldn't have enough time to visit the planetarium.
3 He isn't well-qualified, so he didn't get the job at the space centre.
If he were well-qualified, he would have got the job at the space centre.
4 They didn't buy cinema tickets, so they can't see the new science-fiction film tonight.
If they had bought cinema tickets, they could see the new science-fiction film tonight.
▪︎В первом типе смешанных условие относится к прошлому (Type 3), а следствие – к настоящему/будущему (Type 2).
Данный тип образуется по следующей схеме:
Условие: If + Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous,
Результат: would + bare infinitive
▪︎ Во втором типе смешанных предложений условие, как правило, не относится к конкретному времени (Type 2), а следствие имеет отношение к прошлому (Type 3).
Данный тип образуется по следующей схеме:
Условие: If + Past Simple / Past Continuous,
Результат: would + have + Past Participle

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