• Предмет: Химия
  • Автор: flaraakim07
  • Вопрос задан 5 месяцев назад

34. Mis sim qizdirilganda massasi 5 % ke artqan. Payda bolgan aralaspadagi CuO tin massa ulesin (%) aniqlan. A) 100 B) 23,8 S) 38,2 D) 45​


Ответ дал: novoselkata7


When a copper wire is heated, it reacts with oxygen in the air to form copper oxide (CuO). Since the mass of the wire increases by 5%, we can assume that this increase in mass is due to the copper reacting with oxygen to form CuO.

Let the original mass of the wire be x g, and the mass increase be y g. The total mass of the wire plus the newly formed CuO after heating is (x + y) g.

Since copper is the only element in the wire that reacts with oxygen to form CuO, the original mass of copper in the wire is also x g. After heating, the total mass of copper present in the wire plus the newly formed CuO is (x + y) g.

Therefore, the mass percentage of copper in the resulting mixture is:

x/(x + y) × 100%

Since we're interested in the mass percentage of CuO tin in the resulting mixture, we need to find the percentage of the total mass of (x + y) g that is due to CuO. This can be calculated as follows:

y/(x + y) × 100%

We know that the mass increase y is equal to the mass of CuO formed. Since the question does not provide any information on the amount of tin present, we cannot calculate the mass percentage of CuO tin in the mixture. Therefore, the answer is not provided in the options given


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