2 Complete the answers to the questions. Use too or enough and the word in brackets.
1. Did you pass your geography exam? (difficult)
Probably not. The questions were _______________________ .
2. Can we go camping this weekend? (warm)
No, we can’t. It isn’t _______________________ for camping.
3. Would you like this desk in your bedroom? (space)
I would, but I haven’t got _______________________ .
4. Are we going by bus or by train? (slow)
I prefer the train. The bus is _______________________ .
5. Shall we climb to the top of that hill? (tired)
Not now, we walked all day and I’m _______________________ .


Ответ дал: mazankomiroskav15

Відповідь:1) enough flour

2) too difficult

3) warm enough

4) enough space

5) too slow

6) too tired


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