2 Choose the correct word to complete the
0 My friend Sam and I both have / make / get the
same sense of humour.
1 This rain is going / getting / being worse – it’s
pouring down!
2 I had nothing to do, so I soon got upset / bored /
3 Are you thirsty? Shall I get / put / deal you a
4 My singing can fall / go / get on my mum’s nerves
5 It can be hard to get / take / make friends at a
new school.
6 I’ve put my clothes on, but I still need to get home
/ dressed / ready to leave for school.
7 Sometimes it’s hard to take / make / put up with
my brother’s awful music!


Ответ дал: SnowWhite1990


0. have

1. getting

2. bored

3. get

4. get on

5. make

6. ready

7. put up with

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