Grammar Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and the verbs. 1 2 3 1 'I forgot to tell Jane about the party.' 'Don't worry. I .(tell) her.' 2 You're a fast runner. You (win) the race, I'm sure. 3 'Oh no! We haven't got any milk.' 1 for you.' 4 Her new film is fantastic. Lots of people (watch) it. 5 She can sing, but she isn't very good. She .(never / be) famous. 6 'They're going to a rock concert.' ..(not like) it. They .(go) to the supermarket 'They don't like rock music.' 7 'These boxes are heavy.' 'I B 2 A B 3 A Write questions and short answers with the correct form of will. 1 A B 4 A B . (carry) them for you.' .(Ann and John get) married in five years' time? ✔ /7 (he/go) to university in the States? x (we / see) them at the party tomorrow? X (Jenna / pass) all her exams? ✔ She's a good student. /8 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1 If you pass your exams, I (buy) you an MP3 player. 2 If they don't practise every day, they .(not be) famous singers. (get) good marks 3 If she in the exam, she'll study English at university. 4 If you the race. (run) fast, you'll win 5 If they drop litter, the school .(be) very dirty. 6 If he we'll watch TV together. .(come) here early, 7 If we have some money, we swimming. .(go) to London on holiday. 8 If I buy those CDs, I (listen) to them every day. (not finish) your 9 If you homework, I'll be angry with you. 10 If it ..(rain), we won't go Vocabulary 1 Choose the correct answers. 1 Can I look at the ......... on your MP3 player? /10 a composer b playlist c station 2 Did you go to the ..........ast night? a concert b hit c album 3 I often songs from the internet. a download b track c hit 4 I listened to a good a digital last night. c chart It's got b album 5 Let's listen to this radio good music. a playlist b release c station 6 People love this song. It's going to be a a pop chart b concert c hit 7 Adele is my favourite.......... a CD release b singer c digital 8 That song is number one in the pop a charts b singers c release​



Ответ дал: donecanastasia848


Can I look at the playlist on your MP3 player?

Did you go to the concert last night?

I often download songs from the internet.

I listened to a good album last night. It's got good music.

Let's listen to this radio station. It's got good music.

People love this song. It's going to be a hit.

Adele is my favourite singer.

That song is number one in the pop charts.

Will Ann and John get married in five years' time? - Yes, they will.

Will he go to university in the States? - No, he won't.

Will we see them at the party tomorrow? - No, we won't.

Will Jenna pass all her exams? - Yes, she will.

If you pass your exams, I will buy you an MP3 player.

If they don't practise every day, they won't be famous singers.

If she gets good marks in the exam, she'll study English at university.

If you run fast, you'll win the race.

If they drop litter, the school will be very dirty.

If he comes here early, we'll watch TV together.

If we have some money, we'll go swimming.

If I buy those CDs, I will listen to them every day.

If you don't finish your homework, I'll be angry with you.

If it rains, we won't go.

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