Sort out the words into three columns: 1) verbs; 2) nouns; 3) adjectives. Use the dictionary if necessary. maze, jewel, attract, palace, prisoner, antique, sights, exhibit, dinosaur, gallery, bargain, conquer, remind, catholic, found, millennium, reign, fireworks, defeat, guard, execute, cruel, blow up, tower, dome, cathedral​

ILieNoha: Verbs: attract, conquer, remind, found, defeat, execute, blow up, guard
Nouns: maze, jewel, palace, prisoner, antique, sights, exhibit, dinosaur, gallery, bargain, millennium, reign, fireworks, tower, dome, cathedral
Adjectives: cruel


Ответ дал: ILieNoha

Verbs: attract, conquer, remind, found, defeat, execute, blow up, guard

Nouns: maze, jewel, palace, prisoner, antique, sights, exhibit, dinosaur, gallery, bargain, millennium, reign, fireworks, tower, dome, cathedral

Adjectives: cruel

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