B. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1. I was scared when I got stuck 2. Alice got locked 3. The wolf was when I saw it. 4. Tim crashed his bike a tree. 5. Max was angry because his sister played a joke him. the lift. yesterday afternoon. the middle of the road 6. The man called when he saw the car accident. 7. Hang souvenir. 8. an ambulance to come with us. a minute! I want to buy a the beginning, Lucy didn't want 2. 3 ples the Part Progressi поможіть будь ласке срочно!!!​


Ответ дал: hackerminstream


1. I was scared when I got stuck in the lift.

2. Alice got locked out of the house.

3. The wolf was in the middle of the road when I saw it.

4. Tim crashed his bike into a tree yesterday afternoon.

5. Max was angry because his sister played a joke on him.

6. The man called an ambulance when he saw the car accident.

7. Hang on a minute! I want to buy a souvenir.

8. At the beginning, Lucy didn't want to come with us.

Если не сложно, поставь "лучший ответ", мне будет приятно :)

Ответ дал: anyapon
I was scared when I got stuck in the elevator/lift yesterday afternoon.
Alice got locked in her room.
The wolf was in the middle of the road when I saw it.
Tim crashed his bike into a tree.
Max was angry because his sister played a joke on him.
The man called when he saw the car accident.
Hang the souvenir.
Wait for an ambulance to come with us.
Hold on a minute! I want to buy a souvenir.
In the beginning, Lucy didn't want to join the party.
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