4. Make up sentences about Scotland. 1. a country/ the United Kingdom/in/Scotland/the north/is/of.
2. islands/800/almost/Scotland/includes. 3. the largest/of/Glasgow/Scotland/is/city.
4. St Andrew/flag/as/cross/is/The national/known.​


Ответ дал: fiftyfifty50
1. Scotland is a country in the north of the United Kingdom.
2. Scotland includes almost 800 islands.
3. Glasgow is the largest city of Scotland.
4. The national flag is known as St Andrew cross.
Ответ дал: frizeri


1. Scotland is a country in the north of the United Kingdom.2. Scotland includes almost 800 islands.3. Glasgow is the largest city of Scotland.4. The national flag is known as St Andrew cross.


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