Срочно помогите..
Exercise 1.

Put in the correct form of the verb to be.

Larry... usually at home at this time.

2 You always late for the lessons. 3. Sally... at her music lessons at this time.. 4. The students... at the lecture,

5. The actors... at the rehearsals on Tuesdays.

6. I... always here to drink some tea.

7. It... too late to go there.

8. You... proud of your elder brother.



Ответ дал: maksimmalenkov06
Larry is usually at home at this time.
You are always late for the lessons.
Sally is at her music lessons at this time.
The students are at the lecture.
The actors are at the rehearsals on Tuesdays.
I am always here to drink some tea.
It is too late to go there.
You are proud of your elder brother.
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