Модальні дієслова Test 8 modal verbs



Ответ дал: fiftyfifty50
1. 1 don’t have to
2 mustn’t
3 can’t
4 should
5 mustn’t
6 Shall

2. 1 You don’t have to speak French to get this job.
2 Shall I take your coat to the cleaner’s?
3 People shouldn’t eat with their mouth open
4 Do they need to call you every day?
5 You mustn’t talk on the phone while you’re driving
6 Children should learn to speak another language
7 When Emma was 2, she couldn’t speak
8 You don’t have to book seats for this show.

3. 1 can’t think
2 must earn
3 must have
4 may not remember
5 may rain
6 can’t be
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