Task 1 1. a/b/c/d
Task 2 1. T/F
Task 3 1. the full answer in English

Task 1. Choose the correct variant a/b/c/d For example: 1. a/b/c/d
1. In our school … was conducted.
a. a popular show
b. a survey
c. a TV- programme
d. a popular TV- show
2. … were asked about their television viewing habits.
a. 15 pupils
b. 19 pupils
c. 50 pupils
d. 59 pupils
3. … don’t watch any television at all.
a. Many of the pupils
b. Boys
c. Girls
d. Three girls and two boys
4. Experts say that …. watch about twenty hours of television a week.
a. 3 pupils
b. many students
c. teenagers
d. boys
5. Videos are popular and …
a. many pupils don’t watch TV at weekends.
b. pupils rent videos to watch at weekends.
c. pupils have a little time to watch TV at weekends.
d. pupils buy videos to watch at weekends.
6. …pupils have more than one TV set at home.
a. About 40 %
b. About 4%
c. About 70%
d. Four pupils
Task 2 Write if the statements are True or False For example: 1. T/F
1. Many of the Judy’s class are TV addicts.
2. Teenagers prefer TV to other things.
3. Soap operas are popular with boys and girls.
4. A lot of teenagers watch videos at weekends.
5. Half the pupils have satellite or cable TV.
6. Most pupils have a TV in their homes. Task 3 Answer the questions
1. What does the survey conducted at school show?
2. Which programmes do boys prefer to watch?
3. Why do teenagers watch not too much TV on weekdays?​


Ответ дал: thunderbolt72
N 1

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. A

N 2

2. T
3. ?
4. T
5. F
6. T

N 3

1.The survey at the school show showed that the students usually watch 20-21 hours a week
2.Any kinds of a
3.Usually because of the phones and the school activities
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