Сказали составить мини-текст на Present Siple Tence Дам 20 баллов про свой день​


Ответ дал: user73529418

My day usually starts early in the morning. I wake up at 6:00 am and immediately get out of bed. I then make myself a cup of coffee and sit down to read the news for a few minutes.

After that, I get dressed and head out to work. I usually take the subway, which is very convenient for me. Once I arrive at work, I spend most of my day in front of the computer, answering emails, and completing various tasks.

During my lunch break, I usually go for a walk outside to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. I often bring my own lunch from home, which is usually a sandwich and some fruit.

After work, I like to unwind by going for a run or doing some yoga. This helps me to clear my mind and relax after a long day.

In the evenings, I usually cook dinner and spend time with my family. We often watch TV or play games together. Before bed, I like to read a book or listen to some calming music to help me fall asleep.

user73529418: Можете, пожалуйста, выбрать мой ответ лучшим?
timamahmadrazabov: да спасибо
timamahmadrazabov: а чо так много
user73529418: Хотите меньше?
user73529418: В целом, это и есть мини-текст
timamahmadrazabov: Но нет я уже написал
timamahmadrazabov: но всё равно спасибо
user73529418: Всегда рада помочь))
user73529418: Можете, пожалуйста, выбрать мой ответ лучшим?
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