Your turn 5 Work with a partner. Choose an outdoor sport or activity. Find out information about it and make a poster. Use the ideas below. • Is it a land, air or water activity? • Where can you do it in your country? • What special clothes or protection do you need? • Is it a competitive or recreational activity or both? только на английском языке и с переводом


Ответ дал: nurasel72


For our outdoor sport poster, we have chosen hiking as our activity. Here is the information we found:

Hiking is a land activity that involves walking on trails or paths in natural environments such as mountains, forests, and parks.

In our country, there are many places to go hiking such as national parks, state parks, and nature reserves. Some popular hiking spots include Yosemite National Park, the Grand Canyon, and the Appalachian Trail.

Special clothes and protection are recommended for hiking, including sturdy hiking boots, comfortable clothing, a hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Depending on the location and weather, additional gear such as a backpack, water bottle, and rain jacket may also be necessary.

Hiking can be both a competitive and recreational activity. Some people participate in hiking competitions or races, while others hike for leisure and to enjoy the natural scenery.

We hope our poster inspires others to get outside and enjoy the beauty of nature through hiking!

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