Дополнить предложения who, which, whose. 1. That's the man ... brother works in our office. 2. Mary is the person ... is very kind. 3. That's the book ... I wanted to read. 4. Is Tom the boy ... is good at maths? 5. Mr Evans is the man ... house is at the end of the village. 6. These are the jeans ... I bought last week. 7. Kate is the girl ... takes care of homeless cats. 8. Isn't Mike the person ... brother works with Nick? 9. Peter is the boy ... won the competition. 10. That's the kindergarten ... the children used to go.​


Ответ дал: Morylovs


1 That's the man whose brother works in our office.

2 Mary is the person who is very kind.

3 That's the book which I wanted to read.

4 Is Tom the boy who is good at maths?

5 Mr Evans is the man whose house is at the end of the village.

6 These are the jeans which I bought last week.

7 Kate is the girl who takes care of homeless cats.

8 Isn't Mike the person whose brother works with Nick?

9 Peter is the boy who won the competition.

10 That's the kindergarten which the children used to go to.

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