5. a) Look, read and complete the words. Example: a) I'm 10 years old. How old are you? a) I'm 10 y_-_s old. b) The girls with long h___ are standing of ch___s. on a p_ ___ of ch c) How much is the bus f ___? d) The big squ is on the right e) The h can jump well. f) The b is eating a yellow P___ g) She is w ing a beautiful dress.


Ответ дал: rr447251


b) The girls with long hair are standing off chairs. on a pile of clothes.

c) How much is the bus fare?

d) The big square is on the right.

e) The hare can jump well.

f) The bird is eating a yellow pear.

g) She is wearing a beautiful dress.

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