Use Present, Past or Perfect Participle to make one sentence.

1. He was sitting on the sofa. He did a crossword.
2. We paid for the meal. We left the restaurant.
3. He was exhausted. He fell asleep on the bus.
4. He was watching a play. He fell asleep.
5. We unpacked and went to get something to eat.
6. Sue was lying in the sun. She got sunburned.
7. They bought their cinema tickets. Then they went to find a seat.
8. The student sat in front of the computer and wrote his essay.
9. Some people argue against school uniforms. They feel children should wear what they want to.
10. Some students are disappointed in their progress at school. These students often do not go into further education.
11. Children do not have the maturity to make every choice themselves. A parent or guardian is need to make decisions on their behalf.
12. I didn't want to break the law. I called the police instead.
13. John travelled overseas a lot as a teenager. He is more open minded to different cultures.


Ответ дал: fiftyfifty50
1. Sitting on the sofa he did a crossword.
2. After paying for the meal we left the restaurant.
3. Being exhausted he fell asleep on the bus.
4. He fell asleep watching a play.
5. After checking in we unpacked and went to get something to eat.
6. Lying in the sun, Sue got sunburned.
7. Having bought their tickets, they went to find a seat.
8. Sitting in front of the computer, the student wrote his essay.
9. Arguing against school uniforms, some people feel children should wear what they want to.
10. Disappointed in their progress at school, some students often do not go into further education.
11. Not having the maturity to make every choice themselves, children need a parent or guardian to make decisions on their behalf.
12. Not wanting to break the law, called the police instead.
13. Having travelled overseas a lot as a teenager, John is more open to different cultures.
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