ACTIVATE Look again at the dialogue in exercise 1. Choose a group of people you know from the box. Imagine that you are showing a photo of the group to a friend. Practise your new dialogue with a partner. glachas classmates uncles and aunts cousins brothers and sisters friends family​


Ответ дал: pavlozhuk2007



Here's an example dialogue you could use to practice with a partner:

You: Hey, check out this photo of my family!

Partner: Oh cool, who's in it?

You: Well, there's my mom, my dad, and my two sisters.

Partner: Oh nice, what are their names again?

You: My mom's name is Sarah, my dad's name is John, and my sisters are Emily and Rachel.

Partner: Got it. Do you have any other siblings?

You: Nope, just the two sisters.

Partner: Okay. And who are those people in the background?

You: Oh, those are my aunts and uncles. They're my mom's siblings.

Partner: Ah, cool. And who are these people in the front?

You: Those are some of my cousins. They're my aunt's kids.

Partner: Nice, looks like a fun group.

You: Yeah, we always have a good time when we get together.

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