Complete using the words in the box.
1. I didn't finish my .... , so I didn't give it to my teacher.
2. This book is very ... . Read it.
3. Volodymyr met his favourite singer yesterday and he asked her for a(n) ... .
4. Let's go to the ... today. We can go fishing or have a picnic.
5. Yesterday after school, I listened to music for a ... and then I did my homework. ​


Ответ дал: angelina01010


1. I didn't finish my project, so I didn't give it to my teacher.

2. This book is very interesting. Read it.

3. Volodymyr met his favourite singer yesterday and he asked her for an autograph.

4. Let's go to the lake today. We can go fishing or have a picnic.

5. Yesterday after school, I listened to music for a while and then I did my homework.


1. Я не закончил свой проект, поэтому не отдал его своему учителю.

2. Эта книга очень интересная. Почитай ее.

3. Вчера Владимир встретился со своей любимой певицей и попросил у нее автограф.

4. Давай сегодня сходим на озеро. Мы можем отправиться на рыбалку или устроить пикник.

5. Вчера после школы я немного послушал музыку, а потом сделал домашнее задание.

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