I. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в них инфинитив и укажите его функции:

1. The cosmonauts use portable TV cameras to send space tele­casts to the Earth.
2. To break the new glass a great amount of force should be applied.
3. The results to be received by the researchers may vary considerably.
4. The computers have to carry out several thousands arithmetic operations per second and be very reliable.
5. To strengthen metals means to make them harder. 


Ответ дал: Tata5f
1. The cosmonauts use portable TV cameras to send space tele­casts to the Earth.
2. To break the new glass a great amount of force should be applied.
3. The results to be received by the researchers may vary considerably.
4. The computers have to carry out several thousands arithmetic operations per second and be very reliable.
5. To strengthen metals means to make them harder. 
Инфинитив подчеркнула, но функцию не знаю
Перед инфинитивом всегда стоит to
Ответ дал: НастяПономаренко
1. The cosonauts use portadle TV cameras to send space telecasts to the Earth. 
2. To break the new glass a great amount of force should be applied.
3. The result to be received by the researchers may vary considerably.
4. The computers have to carry out several thousands arithmetic operations per second and be very reliable.
5. To strengthen metals means to make them harder.
Инфинитив - это глагол в начальной форме. 
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