Напишіть про одне з визначних місць, яке ви відвідували в Києві або яке б ви хотіли відвідати


Ответ дал: li7034


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In my opinion, the place you should definitely visit in Kyiv is St Sophia's Cathedral. St Sophia of Kyiv has a thousand-year history. It was built in the time of Yaroslav the Wise - the marble sarcophagus from his burial has been preserved to this day. The interior of St Sophia's impresses with ancient frescoes and mosaics. The name "St Sophia's" comes from the Greek word "sophia", which means "wisdom". Dedicated to the "wisdom of Christian doctrine", the cathedral, according to the creators, was to establish Christianity in Russi.

Every time I visit Kyiv, I do not avoid this place!

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