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Change these active sentences into passive
sentences. Include by + noun.
1 A hairdresser usually cuts my hair.
My hair is usually cut by a hairdresser.
2 The average teenager sends 875 text
messages every month.
875 text messages
A Japanese company makes those mobile phones
Those mobile phones.....
4 The sun warms the water in the pool.
The water in the pool is.....



Ответ дал: nouneymos337


1 My hair is usually cut by a hairdresser.

2 875 text messages are sent every month by the average teenager.

3 Those mobile phones are made by a Japanese company.

4 The water in the pool is warmed by the sun


Пассивный залог мы образуем с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в нужном времени (is, are, was, were и т.д.) + past participle.

Аноним: https://znanija.com/task/52500698 - английский язык, простенькие предложения, даю 35 баллов.
Ответ дал: JinNam

Ответ:1.My hair is usually cut by a hairdresser.

2. 875 text messages are sent every month by the average teenager.

3.Those mobile phones are made by a Japanese company.

4.The water in the pool is warmed by the sun.

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