b) Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrases from exercise 2a. 1. When you go to amusement parks with lots of people, always stay together with your family. 2. If a stranger asks you personal questions, 3. When you go to school, 4. When you go swimming, 5. If you are eating something, 6. When you are making something, 42​


Ответ дал: awewrwt
When you go to amusement parks with lots of people, always stay together with your family.
If a stranger asks you personal questions, don't answer them and tell a trusted adult.
When you go to school, be aware of your surroundings and don't talk to strangers.
When you go swimming, always follow the rules and swim with a buddy.
If you are eating something, be careful not to choke and chew your food well.
When you are making something, read the instructions carefully and ask for help if you need it.
Ответ дал: Аноним


b) Complete the sentences with the appropriate phrases from exercise 2a.

When you go to amusement parks with lots of people, always stay together with your family.

If a stranger asks you personal questions, don't answer them and tell a trusted adult.

When you go to school, be respectful to your teachers and classmates.

When you go swimming, always have a buddy and listen to the lifeguard's instructions.

If you are eating something, chew it properly and don't talk with your mouth full.

When you are making something, follow the instructions carefully and ask for help if you need it.


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