помогите пожалуйста, знаю не очень сложно но я не разбираюсь в этой теме. ДАЮ 20 БАЛЛОВ!!​



Ответ дал: sofiatretyakova

1)The river Amazon is longer than the Mississippi

2)Petra is friendliest person I know

3) Jackson is more intelligent than his sister

4)They are the funniest pupils in my class

5)Dolly is better playing the guitar than Alvin

6)Is art more interesting than PE?

7)They the most brilliant musicians at my school

Ответ дал: bakerstreet2018
1.the river amazon in longer than the mississippi
2.petra is the friendliest person i know
3. jackson is more intelligent than his sister
4. carl and kim are the funniest people in my class
5. dolly is better playing the guitar than alvin
6. is art more interesting than PE?
7. ellie and alastair are the most brilliant musicians in my school
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