ДОПОМОЖІТЬ БУДЬ ЛАСКА! Розкрийте дужки, використовуючи Future Simple або be going to.
She is sure that he _____ (not/manage) to catch the train.
Next year we _____ (travel) together around Europe
The athletes soon _____ (return) from the competition.
They have bought new sports shoes. They _____ (start) running next week.
It`s getting dark. I ______ (turn) on the light
They ______ (be) eighteen next month.
Scientists for sure ______ (find) a cure for this disease.



Ответ дал: jammychan


She is sure that he will not manage to catch the train.

Next year we are going to travel together around Europe.

The athletes are going to return soon from the competition.

They have bought new sports shoes. They are going to start running next week.

It's getting dark. I am going to turn on the light.

They are going to be eighteen next month.

Scientists will for sure find a cure for this disease.

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