37.3 Complete these sentences. Use only one verb each time (is/have/can etc.).
2 You haven't met Jack's parents but I ...
3 Bill can't drive but all his friends ...
4 I'm not intelligent but you ...
5 I'm not going to the party tomorrow night but George ...
6 Their house wasn't very big but the garden ...
71 wasn't very tired but Philip and Joy ...
8 Diana won't be here tomorrow but I ...
9 I don't smoke but my brother ...
10 I haven't got a video camera but I know somebody who...​


Ответ дал: jammychan


  1. -
  2. You haven't met Jack's parents but I have.
  3. Bill can't drive but all his friends can.
  4. I'm not intelligent but you are.
  5. I'm not going to the party tomorrow night but George is.
  6. Their house wasn't very big but the garden was.
  7. I wasn't very tired but Philip and Joy were.
  8. Diana won't be here tomorrow but I will.
  9. I don't smoke but my brother does.
  10. I haven't got a video camera but I know somebody who has.

wl1ix: спасибо
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