Match the words and their definitions.
1) finance a) the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report 2) an item b) to report the details of an event for a newspaper, television, or radio 3) a heading c) a high standard 4) a headline d) get somebody’s attention 5) quality e) to give someone the information they need 6) cater f) money 7) cover g) to do what you have tried or wanted to do 8) catch the eye h) the title written at the top of a piece of writing 9) provide material about i) provide a group of people with everything that they need or want 10) succeed in doing smth j) a single, usually short, piece of news in a newspaper or magazine
Помогите, пожалуйста. Уже в голове каша. Много чего одинакового совпадает!!!!​


Ответ дал: NoviPientre01

1) finance - f) money

2) an item - j) a single, usually short, piece of news in a newspaper or magazine

3) a heading - h) the title written at the top of a piece of writing

4) a headline - a) the title of a newspaper report, which is printed in large letters above the report

5) quality - c) a high standard

6) cater - i) provide a group of people with everything that they need or want

7) cover - b) to report the details of an event for a newspaper, television, or radio

8) catch the eye - d) get somebody’s attention

9) provide material about - e) to give someone the information they need

10) succeed in doing smth - g) to do what you have tried or wanted to do.

labnata: спасибо большое
NoviPientre01: можешь поставить мой ответ как лучший пожалуйста я старался!
labnata: так? спасибо
NoviPientre01: нет
NoviPientre01: там будет кнопка "Отметить как лучший ответ" нажми на это, пожалуйста.
NoviPientre01: Спасибо
NoviPientre01: Большое
labnata: не за что! спасибо большое и тебе за ответ
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