an advertisement an application the day a degree a job a job the job a team

1 My brother has left school and is looking for ______.He'd like to work in a hotel.
2 I noticed_____ for an interesting job in the newspaper.
3 I sent in______ for a holaday job at a fast-food restaurant.
4 They offered my mum _____in a department store, but she decided not to take it.
5 My sister joined_____ of programmers who work on video games.
6 My brother has_____ in engineering from Cambridge University.
7 During the summer holidays I worked at a theme park and had_____ of selling ice cream.
8 Joe took _____ off work so that he could visit his mum, who is ill.​


Ответ дал: seftecar

1. a job

2. an advertisement

3. an application

4. a job

5. a team

6. a degree

7. the job/responsibility

8. time

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