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Complete the text about Cumbre Vieja. Use the nouns in the box.
directions future tonnes tsunami volcano

Cumbre Vieja is an enormous, active 1. in the Canary Islands. Scientists know that at some time in the 2 it will erupt. They are worried that the side of the volcano will collapse and 3 of rock will fall into the sea. This would cause a huge very fast in all s that would travel away from the Canary Islands.

catastrophe. eruption damage energy equipment

The wave would have enough to cross the to the east coast ofAtlantic and cause terrible 7. America. This would be a . Although the scientists can't predict exactly when the volcano will erupt, they are going to put some 9 on Cumbre Vieja which will give them an early warning of an 10



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. volcano

2. future

3. tones

4. tsunami

5. directions

6. energy

7. damage

8. catastrophe

9. equipment



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