Yes, I s (go) for a pizza with the team. 5 Complete the questions about a weekend trip using the present simple or continuous form of the verbs in the box. stay visit प 3 ye get leave arrive take eat see 1 What city you ? 2 How there? 3 What time you? 4 How long 5 What time 6 you 7 What sights-you. 8 Where you the journey? you in a hotel? at your destination? on the first day? you on the first evening?​


Ответ дал: NoviPientre01


1. What city are you visiting?

2. How are you getting there?

3. What time are you leaving?

4. How long are you staying?

5. What time are you arriving?

6. Are you taking any tours?

7. What sights are you planning to see?

8. Where are you staying during your trip?

NoviPientre01: можешь поставить мой ответ как лучший пожалуйста я старался!
Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999

Моя відповідь:

  1. What city are you visiting?
  2. How are you getting there?
  3. What time do you arrive?
  4. How long are you staying?
  5. What time do you leave?
  6. Are you taking any tours?
  7. What sights are you seeing?
  8. Where are you staying during the journey? At a hotel? At your destination? On the first day? On the first evening?

NBABANOOO999: Можна как лучший отвеь
NBABANOOO999: *ответ
jasarbaura: Спасибо
NBABANOOO999: незачто
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