10. Read the topic sentences and write the concluding sentences.
1. The easiest food to prepare is fried potatoes.
3. The best season for children is summer.
2. My mother has taught me many things about life.
4. One of the people that I admire is my grandfather.
Помогите пожалуйста!!!​


Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999

Моя відповідь:

  1. In conclusion, fried potatoes are a convenient meal choice for those seeking a quick and easy food option.
  2. All in all, my mother has been an invaluable influence in shaping my outlook on life.
  3. Therefore, summer proves to be a prime time for children to enjoy outdoor activities and create lasting memories.
  4. Overall, my grandfather has had a significant impact on my life and remains a source of admiration and inspiration.
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