5 Read the text again and write True or False for sentences 1-8. Correct the false sentences. 1 A force can make things move... 2 Gravity gets weaker when an object has more mass... 3 We feel weight because something is under our feet.. 4 We are falling when we are in orbit around the Earth.... 5 We measure mass in Newtons.... 6 If you increase the mass of an object, it will weigh more.... 7 An object's mass changes depending on the planet...... 8 An elephant weighs more..... on Earth than it does on the Moon....

ПОСТАВЛЮ 5 ЗВЕЗД¡!!¡!!¡!!¡!!¡!!¡ ..._ _ _ ...​


Ответ дал: seftecar

1. True

2. False (Gravity gets stronger when an object has more mass.)

3. True

4. True

5. False (We measure mass in kilograms.)

6. False (If you increase the mass of an object, its weight will increase but its mass will remain the same.)

7. False (An object's mass does not change depending on the planet.)

8. True

radiklitvinov: спс
aisuluwka792: Спасибо
omarovakrom015: СПАСИБО!¡
aklasyn87: это правильно?
n31123429: Здравия желаю, дорогие мои товарищи
n31123429: это правильно?
omarovakrom015: дп
omarovakrom015: *ДА**
Ответ дал: balabolka13yers
False. Gravity gets stronger when an object has more mass.
False. We measure mass in kilograms.
False. An object's mass does not change depending on the planet.

aisuluwka792: Спасибо
aklasyn87: это правильно?
omarovakrom015: да
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