Визначні місця Британії англійською 10 речен


Ответ дал: NBABANOOO999

Моя відповідь:

  1. The Tower of London is a historic fortress and palace located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.
  2. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, consisting of a ring of standing stones.
  3. The Houses of Parliament, also known as the Palace of Westminster, is the seat of the UK government in London.
  4. The British Museum is a world-famous museum in London, featuring artifacts and exhibits from around the globe.
  5. Canterbury Cathedral is a historic Anglican cathedral located in Canterbury, Kent, and is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
  6. The Lake District National Park is a scenic area of mountains, lakes and forests located in northwest England.
  7. Edinburgh Castle is a historic fortress located on a hill above the city of Edinburgh in Scotland.
  8. The Roman Baths in Bath, England, is a well-preserved complex of Roman baths and a museum of Roman life and culture.
  9. The Cliffs of Dover is a stunning natural landmark on the coast of southeast England, with dramatic white cliffs overlooking the English Channel.
  10. The Peak District National Park is a scenic area of hills, moors and valleys located in central England.

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