Визначні місця Британії англійською 10речень помогите пліс


Ответ дал: maiiakynebas
Edinburgh, Scotland
Edinburgh is good at any time of the year, but it is in the summer that the city leaves its inherent light melancholy and it reveals itself especially vividly with a number of cultural events, the most significant of which is the Fringe Arts Festival in August. For three weeks, the city is alive with theater, performances and shows are held on all platforms, as well as on the streets of the city. One of the main events is the carnival parade on the Royal Mile, located in the very center. The Old Town of Edinburgh is an example of medieval European architecture, densely built up with sandstone buildings darkened by time. Going down the Royal Mile, the first thing you will come across on the way is the whiskey museum. Do not miss another interesting museum - The People's Story Museum, whose wax exposition introduces the everyday life and customs of ordinary Scots. You can end the walk along the main artery of the city in the Royal Palace of Holyrood - the official residence of all the rulers of Scotland, starting with James V and ending with the current Queen Elizabeth II
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